Greetings for writing such article
I have some question and i hope if you know answer you would provide them with glad.
**Question 1:** What you think is the number of images per class is enough for better training. Some says 500 or in some cases I have read 1000 images. Can you please comment on this.
**Question 2:** Does yolo training increases number of images or do augumentation itself. I read from the github darknet #issue [] that augumentation is done from src/image.c. Can you help me with this point. Because I can see four parameters of augumentation in yolo cfg file names as angle=0, saturation = 1.5, exposure = 1.5 and hue=.1
I am confused does augumentation is done at src/image.c or from yolo.cfg.
Thanks for writing the article.
With Regards