Hello Aniekan Inyang,
I hope you are doing well. I read your article and it is well written. I also appreciate you for tackling all the problems you faced while installing spacy. I also did install spacy using pip and tries to install english model using the below command
Everything does well but when I run my code, i found the below error
IOError: [E050] Can’t find model ‘en’. It doesn’t seem to be a shortcut link, a Python package or a valid path to a data directory.
I searched a lot on internet why this error came and I had also seen that you did not face such error. I got a link https://github.com/hamelsmu/Seq2Seq_Tutorial/issues/1 where this issue is addressed and conclusion from this link is that though the model is downloaded and is placed in the site packages, linking is not created and solution is to install the package using the below command
python -m spacy download en
But I hope this is not only the solution. I am working with installing it through the requirement file and I hope this statement (python -m spacy download en) does not work with requirements.txt file.
So in a nutshell, if you have any idea how to create linking with the spacy model using pip, It would help me out as well as avoid using the command python -m spacy download en
Thanks a lot in advance
With Regards
Sanpreet Singh